Medical Cannabis for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Medical Cannabis Prescriptions for PTSD

Dr. Marks Advocates on Behalf of Medical Cannabis Patients in Texas

Dr. Robert Marks and Veterans, David Bass and Tim Jensen, for Medical Cannabis for PTSD

Welcome to Texas Herb Clinic’s blog, The Blunt Truth. For years, Dr. Marks bravely rejected stigma and advocated on behalf of his patients’ safe access to medical cannabis in Texas. For nearly a decade, he and respected veteran, teacher and medical marijuana advocate, David Bass have testified at the Texas State Capital in an effort to first pass and later expand medical marijuana access for the deserving patients of Texas. After an initial even more limited list of qualifying conditions was initially established, a huge advancement occurred in 2021 when Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was added to the list of qualifying conditions to become registered on the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas (CURT) necessary to obtain medicinal marijuana. Since then, veterans and thousands of others who experience PTSD qualify for medical cannabis treatment in Texas. You do not need to be a veteran to qualify. All civilians and first responders who have experienced traumatic circumstances may also qualify. If you suspect that you are experiencing PTSD, we can evaluate your condition and help you to navigate the Texas Compassionate Use Program.

Have You Been Experiencing the Following PTSD Symptoms for 30 Days or More?

  • Recurring and upsetting memories, nightmares, flashbacks, and emotional and physical reactions when encountering reminders.
  • Avoiding people, places, or things that remind you of the trauma.
  • Persistent negative feelings, guilt, shame, blame, anxiety, loneliness, and loss of interest.
  • Being easily startled, feeling tense or irritable, agitated, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, or having trouble concentrating.
  • Detachment from relationships and loss of joy.

If so, then medical cannabis may be a treatment option for your PTSD and you may be eligible for a medical marijuana prescription from one of our registered cannabis doctors. Click the green button to learn more about how you may qualify for medical cannabis.